Stachybotrys Mold - What is it?
All mold is a type of fungus that can grow in many different places, learn more about where and how stachybotrys mold grows below.
Microscopic View Stachybotrys Mold
15+ species. Ubiquitous, Cosmopolitan.
What are some of stachybotrys molds characteristics?
Grows slowly on wet general cellulose surfaces.
Where does stachybotrys grow outside?
Often found growing on soil, decaying plant substrates, decomposing cellulose (hay, straw), leaf litter, and seeds. Growth not influenced by soil pH or copper; growth enhanced by manure.
Where does stachybotrys grow inside?
Grows well indoors on wet general cellulose surfaces such as wallboard, jute, wicker, straw baskets.
Is stachybotrys “black mold”?
The term black mold (also “toxic black mold”) is not scientific but is widely used by the media to usually reference Stachybotrys molds.
Health Concerns about stachybotrys
Is stachybotrys a potential allergen?
Not well studied. Type I allergies reported
Does it present any unique human risks? (as pathogen, opportunist or contaminant)*
Rare cases reported, none of which have been directly linked to stachybotrys.
Can stachybotrys produce toxins?**
Known as one of the most toxigenic species of mold:Â Macrocyclic trichothecenes: verrucarin J, roridin E, satratoxin F, G & H, sporidesmin G, trichoverrol; cyclosporins, stachybotryolactone.
Stachybotrys mycotoxicosis: human toxicosis has been described; may be characterized by dermatitis, cough, rhinitis, itching or burning sensation in mouth, throat, nasal passages and eyes. The best described toxicoses are from domestic animals that have eaten contaminated hay and straw or inhaled infected material from contaminated bedding.
Identification of stachybotrys
Can stachybotrys be identified via Air Sampling?
May be confused with carbon fragments, memnoniella or gliomastix.
Can it be identified via Direct Sampling?
Distinctive. Direct samples are preferred over culturable methods because Stachybotrys sometimes will not grow in culture.
What are some of its industrial uses?
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